Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Leave Colour

For the effect of the balloon of having it only object in colour compared with the black and white background we used the effects of the programme. We were hoping to use the programme Matte but due to the wind that was on the beach we couldnt use it as the programme Matte only worked effectively on still objects so for the balloon this couldnt work as the wind was blowing it around. We used the effect leave colour where we had to play around with the tolerance and brightness of balloon to make it more effective and stand out to the audience. When using this there are a few issues as sometimes there is a white light from the sun shinng on the balloon, we couldnt change the colour of this as it wasnt the same red we clicked on when leaving the colour, however this error isnt noticable unless looked at closely and also the balloon blowing in the wind makes it harder to notice.

I am really pleased with the effectiveness of the red balloon against the black and white, it is eyecatching and pops out from the screen making our video stand out to the audience viewing it. It is how i pictured the outcome of this effect when we were planning and I believe this is the strongest element to our music video as it is unique and isnt typically seen in other indie videos.

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