Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Kate Nash- Made of Bricks

Comparing the single "Foundations" to the album cover, there are themes and similarities that link the two pieces together. The album itself it very cartoon effect, as if its an imagery world to the artist. The background is very dark using the gradient of colour to blue then to black, this could conote the dark side to her album and how her album is mostly about love and the effects of it. However the yellow house which standouts and draws the eye of the audience to it instantly could imply happiness which the colour yellow conotes, by having the house in yellow it could suggest this house is her happiness and she is high spirited around here however the blacks surrounding her house could imply darkness and unhappiness of the world, this is also shown as the house is much lighter then the rest of objects on the album cover, this also implies the sense that this is her happy place she goes to away from the bad things in her life.
The artist is in an eye catching
The artist is wearing a red dress, the red suggest danger, romance and love this could be the key characterisitcs of the artist and the character she plays in album. She is positioned in the center of the cover, she standout and the audience is drawn directly to her as the red stands out amoung the red making her eyecatching.
The writing is rotated and quirky keeping with the characterisitics of the album, the colour of white stands out against the dark background, the white can suggest innocence and purity of the artist.
The video is colourful which is shown in the album cover as well, its quirky and unique similar to the single, she keeps to her own style away from other typical album covers in the music industry.

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