Thursday, 4 October 2012


This week as a group we have developed more into our ideas, we have concentrated on the different types of shots we want to include by going out and doing pratice shots and the way different angles and movements would work with the ideas we are wanting to use in our final music video. We have done some close up shots of the main girl in the music video and how we want to position on screen, this had us doing numerous different shots in angles and different types of shots to see which one would work best for each particular shot. We also praticed how the couple would interact with each other on screen when the girl is looking back into the past, we used the idea of body language that we have wanted to use throughout to see if this would work on camera and the message it would give off to the audience, we thought when doing the practice shots that by using the idea of body language worked well as it was sutle but still gave the picture that this couple were once in love.

We have started planning our story board and deciding on which shots would be appropriate and how we are going to tranission each shot when the character on screen is reminising into the past of her relationship and how we are going to signify this this tranission to the audience so they know this is what is happen.

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